Stress-Free India
In 2013, I designed a poster to mark Indian Independence as freedom from the stress of the British rule. I did this web poster during the social media marketing of the anti-stress candy, Ezenus, an OTC (Over The Counter) product of Venus Remedies Limited.
The concept of this image is to express India’s diverse culture. Every image in the poster shares a unique message about the country.
Side By Side
A few months ago, Venus Remedies Limited participated in ASM/ ESCMID Conference on Drug Development in Boston MA. Venus wanted the data from its paper on Antimicrobial Resistance to be presented in the form of a poster. So, I made an infographic for that conference. Its design is a visual reflection of the paper.
After the first conference in Boston, Venus participated in World Anti-Microbial Resistance Congress, Washington DC. I designed this banner to reflect the research orientation of the company.
The design shows a bloodline representing a transition to purity, as the impure blood goes through the research process and purifies. The black and red colors of the bloodline signify impurity and purity respectively.
Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, CorelDRAW

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